Practice Management Tips

How to Deliver an Exceptional Massage Experience

updated on

June 12, 2023

The digital era has brought with it an incredible level of consumer choice. Social media and internet searches have made it possible for consumers to easily locate and evaluate new businesses. Existing businesses that fail to deliver can quickly find themselves replaced. Or, as The Wall Street Journal’s Irving Wladawsky-Berger writes in Customer Experience is the Key Competitive Differentiator in the Digital Age, “customers can be fickle.”


What can you do to keep customers coming back to your massage therapy practice and telling their friends about your business?


Deliver an exceptional customer experience.


The benefits of delivering exceptional customer service
In CX for Smarties, A Beginner’s Guide to Customer Experience, the Temkin Group defines customer experience or CX as the customer’s perception of his or her interactions with your business. Explaining why CX is important, the guide notes that a positive customer experience correlates to increased purchases by the satisfied customer. Consumers who have had a positive experience are also more likely to recommend your clinic to a friend.


As Wladawsky-Berger indicated in his article, the customer experience your brand offers also serves as a key differentiator. There may be other massage therapy clinics that offer similar services, but only your clinic can deliver your services with your style.


What is the customer experience?
The customer experience your business delivers is the sum of each interaction a customer experiences as they engage with your business. These interactions are the touchpoints of a complete customer journey. In target="_blank">From touchpoints to journeys: Seeing the world as customers do, the authors explain that the customer experience includes every touchpoint. From the moment a customer first discovers your massage therapy practice to the follow-up services you provide after he or she visits, that customer’s experience is being formed.


Delivering exceptional customer experience requires close attention to each of these touchpoints.


How can you make every touchpoint count to deliver the best customer experience?
To ensure that every step of your customer’s journey is exceptional, MarketingProfs contributor, Laura Patterson, recommends that you begin with identify those steps. Then, assess each step to determine whether it delivers an experience that meets your standards for excellence. As you make your assessments, try to look at the interaction from your customer’s point of view. Also consider any customer feedback you’ve received. Pay particular attention to any negative feedback. Learning what you are doing wrong is your first step toward making it right.


For example, look at how customers are discovering your business. During that first interaction, are you providing them with the information they need? Does your website provide detailed information about your location, business hours, and the services you offer? Is this information easy to find both on your website and your social media pages?


You should also evaluate how easy it is for customers to communicate with you and your team. Do you provide online booking? Are calls to your office answered quickly? How quickly do you or a member of your team return customer calls?


Of course, as a service business, the quality of personal interactions between your staff and your customers is an important measure of the customer experience you deliver. So, spend some time observing and evaluating those interactions. And ensure that each member of your team understands that every exchange, whether large or small, is important to the success of your business.


Stand out from the competition by delivering an outstanding customer experience
In The Hard Truth About Acquisition Costs (and How Your Customers Can Save You), Hubspot’s Michael Redbord tells us that it has become tougher for businesses to reach their ideal customer. To survive in a crowded market, your massage therapy practice needs an unmatchable differentiator.


Why not stand out by providing your customers with an experience they can’t get anywhere else? ClinicSense can help.


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