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Scaling a Practice: Chloe’s IV & Vitamin Infusion Clinic

Image of Chloe
Chloe Kilkenny
Chloe Has Replicated Her Practice in 3 Communities

Before 2020, Building This Type of Business Wasn’t Possible for Her

Chloe opened Kilkenny Wellness 8 years ago. Back then, the types of services she could offer were limited. As a nurse, Chloe has the medical skills necessary to treat patients and administer treatments. However, as a business owner, those weren’t marketable skills unless she was under the direct supervision of a physician. 

So she built her practice around holistic group therapies like meditation, breathwork, essential oils, and Tai chi. Chloe was able to help a lot of people that way, but it wasn’t exactly scalable. 

In 2020, local regulations changed around administering vitamin injectables. This change allows nurses, with the proper certification, to not only administer injectables with the support of a medical director but also to seek out patients and follow up with them. This was a game-changer for Chloe’s business. It allowed her to start offering an array of new wellness services, like vitamin injections and IVs. 

Chloe gave her business a makeover and transitioned to working one-on-one with patients. She added an oxygen bar and a vitamin bar. Now, she sits down with patients, listens to their wellness goals, and is a key player in their wellness journey. 

You can think of Chloe as the nurturing go-between for patients and physicians. She still reports to a medical director and provides a snapshot of what was going on with patients to their physician. However, now she’s working for herself - treating her own patients. It’s the best of both worlds.

Now, She Has 3 Locations and Continues To Grow

Chloe was able to build a service-based practice that fills a real need in her community. It was amazing how quickly things took off. Chloe didn’t plan to build a major enterprise, but her colleagues kept encouraging her, and she listened. 

"I never thought, in my wildest dreams, it was possible to run my own practice."

At first, Chloe rented space in her medical director’s office. Then, as more people in their network learned about her offerings, she was invited into other wellness businesses, salons, and studios. Chloe sought out practitioners who offered complimentary therapies and started collaborating with them. That’s where the expansion began.

Once she had the first practice up and running, Chloe started looking at similar communities that lacked wellness practices like her own. If there was a gap to fill, she could do the same thing in their town. 

Once she identified potential locations, she needed nurses. Chloe reached out to a nursing group and asked if anyone was interested in what she was doing. After finding a few good candidates, Chloe trained them to implement her system and set them up in a new location. She now has nurses serving 3 different communities. 

Within the next 5 years, Chloe plans to have a full patient load at all 3 locations. By then, she’ll be fine-tuning operations, while the other nurses do most of the work. If regulations continue to change in other provinces, Chloe may expand even further. 
Chloe's Treatment Room

The Software That Makes It All Possible

Chloe couldn’t do the work she was doing without EMR software. ClinicSense is the perfect fit for her practice. Between online booking, customizable consent and intake forms, and easy-to-share SOAP Notes, ClinicSense has her covered. 

A lot of colleagues tried to steer her towards more complex software, but Chloe doesn’t need or want anything complex. What Chloe really needs is software that’s easy to teach other nurses to use, that makes charting simple, and rebooking clients automatic.

"From a nursing perspective, ClinicSense is simple, great for charting, and for us to get all the documentation that WE need"

With ClinicSense, Chloe spends almost no time training nurses to use the EMR software. It’s so intuitive, that it takes little time to learn. Allowing clients to fill out intake and consent forms online saves a TON of time. Plus, the software makes following up with clients and getting them to rebook effortless. If someone comes in once, they’ll be back next month.

"My follow-up game has been so much better since taking on ClinicSense."

Chloe and her staff love mobile access too. Sometimes they take their services to their clients. With access to EMR software on their phone or tablet, they don’t have to travel with paper files in their car - which is far more secure and convenient.

Chloe is blown away by the customer service team at ClinicSense. They’re always accessible and take feedback seriously. There’s no waiting around for IT or to get questions answered. If she requests a new feature, they actually work to create it. The software is very adaptable and always evolving - just like her practice.
massage booking cover

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