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Offering Remote Services: Movement Coaching With Freyja

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Freyja Spence
How Freyja built her health coaching brand

She Started Out Solo, but That Wasn’t Enough

Freyja has a curious mind and a degree in Human Kinetics. That combination could have led her to do a wide variety of things, but it ultimately landed her working in a sports medicine clinic after undergrad. 

Several of the coaches and practitioners there were independent contractors, meaning she technically had her own business from day one. Freyja didn’t think about it like that though. She was a team member in a multidisciplinary clinic with a shared vision in helping clients return to full function.

It was there that she found her passion for working with people with injuries. As a movement therapist and coach, she had the unique privilege of working with someone after their diagnosis and being a part of their process from injury to full recovery.

Freyja reached a point where she was getting a lot of referrals from outside the clinic and was increasingly involved in fitness education around Canada. Due in large part tothe travel demands, It was time to start her own practice. 

When she branched out on her own, Freyja realized she needed to develop some serious business skills.

Driven to do more and never stop learning, Freyja got her Master of Professional Kinesiology and has taken countless specialty courses through the years. She has come to specialize in hypermobility syndromes. Not many coaches work withthis population, which puts her in high demand.

She Built a Team and Offered More Than In-Person Services

Freyja realized she needed to create a new brand. She was passed just using her name as her business because she intended to build something bigger than herself. After 10 years of working independently, she established Move Daily.

She hired someone to help her with web design. She recruited coaches, launched a podcast, and turned their website into a resource for not only their clients - but for anyone who needs their help. 

Everyone’s journey to health is different. Her goal for Move Daily is to help people thrive day-to-day, even without coaching. Sure, coaching is what pays the bills, but seeing people achieve success is the mission. That means putting client education first.

“We don’t have a good definition for health, because it’s not just the absence of disease.”

Move Daily Team
Coaching works best when you can meet in-person, at least initially, but the pandemic proved there are other ways to make it work. Freyja conducted virtual sessions pre-pandemic. It was a small portion of her business then, but it made her accessible to the out-of-towners referred to her. When the pandemic hit, Freyja was already set up.

Today, Freyja has a hybrid coaching model, where the majority of her sessions are remote. Her services are in such high demand, that virtual sessions are more practical. The other coaches on her team do more in-person training but offer remote sessions too.

Beyond coaching, Move Daily produces a lot of content designed to guide people down the path of improving their movement, habits, sleep, recovery tools, and understandingof their bodies, thus improving their quality of life. Their goal is to create the biggest impact possible. Their resources are available even to those who can’t afford coaching - all part of their mission to help people thrive.

ClinicSense Allows Her To Do More in Less Time

The time spent with clients is just one piece of Freyja’s responsibilities as the owner of Move Daily. That’s the most enjoyable piece because it’s the most fulfilling - but there’s a lot of other stuff to do.

When she’s not writing articles, working one-on-one with clients, or producing thepodcast, there are admin tasks to do. Managing schedules, client communication, writing SOAP notes, and tracking invoicing, just to name a few.

In the beginning, Freyja used multiple systems to do it all. She tracked everything using Excel spreadsheets. She used one app to collect signatures on waivers and another app for scheduling. It was a lot to manage. That led her to shop around for a more efficient solution.

“What I was trying to do was not have to use 5 apps just to manage our business!”

She received multiple software suggestions from friends and colleagues. Some were designed for physicians. Those had tons of features she’d never use. Others looked ok, but were missing features she wanted or cost more than she was willing to pay.

Then, she found ClinicSense. It checked all the boxes. It has all the features she needs, at a price she can afford. It’s designed for a practice like hers, so every feature adds value. Plus, the ability to customize forms and SOAP Notes is a big deal for a clinic as unique as hers.

Best of all, everything happens in one place - and a lot of it is automated. How’s that for efficiency?
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