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Creating a Community of Practitioners: Heidi’s Network Grows

Image of Heidi
Heidi Van Der Bosch
Heidi knows massage is just one piece of the puzzle

Going From Indecision to Certainty

Heidi didn’t know what she wanted to do when her kids grew up. Although from the outside looking in, it appears as if she planned everything perfectly. When her kids were young, Heidi quit her corporate job to stay home to take care of them. She earned money by starting a daycare at her house. That wasn’t the long-term plan though. Once her kids were in school, it was time to start a new career.

Massage therapy sort of fell into her lap. A friend invited Heidi to attend an information session, at the local community college, about a massage therapy program. After attending, Heidi felt sure she could do this, even though she hadn’t considered it before. Rather than succumbing to her usual sense of overwhelming indecision, she immediately enrolled in the program.

“I feel like massage was chosen for me, not I chose massage.”

After getting her license, she got a job in a chiropractic office. She’d discovered a passion for the investigative work of medical massage. Heidi thrived on the problem-solving involved in relieving someone’s pain. She also recognized the benefits of different types of practitioners working together, and how they could provide a more holistic approach to treatment. 

Having a stable and secure job was essential while her kids were growing up. However, once they both graduated and went off to college, it was time to take a chance at something she always wanted to do. After 13 years of working for someone else, Heidi started her own business.

Her Holistic Vision for the Future

Heidi saw a real need for a wellness practice in her community. However, when she applied for a business license there was a lot of pushback. Unfortunately, there’s still a stigma attached to massage therapy in some places, including her hometown. That meant Heidi had to do more than just fill out an application and pay a fee, she had to change their minds.

Being put in the position of having to educate community leaders about the benefits of massage therapy brought out her passion - not only for massage but all alternative therapies. Her connections to other healthcare providers, her experience, and her clear mission to serve the community convinced them to give her a business license.

They won’t regret it. Heidi is focused on building a network of health and wellness providers to serve the community. She currently works as a sole-practitioner and sublets her office space to a chiropractor/acupuncturist. Their clients benefit from being able to get multiple services in one place. She’s also created referral networks with a personal trainer and an energy worker. That way, when her clients need help in different areas, she has someone to send them to.

When Heidi opened her practice, in 2023, she committed to being a sole-practitioner for a full year before taking on any employees or implementing any major changes. This allows her to find her true path as a business owner and lay a solid foundation. It’s been a hard promise to keep because there’s a high demand for her services and business is booming.

Within the next 5 years, Heidi envisions creating a place where people can receive care from a variety of practitioners. She imagines a meditation room and perhaps yoga classes too. It’s too soon to tell what shape it will take, but it’s already shaping up to be a blessing for her community.
Heidi's Treatment Room

The Software That Helps Bring the Vision to Life

Part of what inspired Heidi to start her own business was watching a friend succeed at it first. Heidi followed her friend's lead and took her for advice on how to set up and manage a massage business. Her friend highly recommended ClinicSense for scheduling, staying organized, and tackling admin.

With ClinicSense, clients can schedule online; so Heidi isn’t spending all her free time on the phone. Not having to play receptionist allows Heidi to focus more on providing wellness rather than business. Plus, her clients prefer to schedule online.

“I’ve got so much feedback from clients that say it’s so easy to schedule online.”

Planning for the future of her business relies on monitoring what’s happening in the business right now. Keeping track of sales, knowing client retention rates, and managing payments all help create a clear picture of Heidi’s business. The ClinicSense reporting features automate all those things and more. It’s made keeping track of everything and making informed decisions uncomplicated - paving the way for taking her business to the next level.

“ClinicSense has definitely made being a single business owner much easier.”

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