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Opening A Multidisciplinary Practice: Tammy’s Record Growth

Root of Wellness Lobby
Tammy Letendre
In less than a year, Tammy went from solo practitioner to owner of a busy wellness centre

She wanted to fix things, not just make people feel better

Tammy worked as a massage therapist for many years before becoming a manual osteopath. Massage is a valuable tool for relieving people’s pain, but it has its limits. Tammy wanted to do more. She wanted to correct the issues causing people’s pain.

There was a lack of alternative therapy options in her small city. People could take a pill or get a massage. Osteopathy was a foreign concept to most residents, including Tammy at the time. That didn’t stop her from jumping on the opportunity to study it. She taught massage at the local school. When the school added an osteopathy program to their curriculum, Tammy signed up immediately.

This was just the thing she needed to make her wellness practice a reality. Not only that, her community needed this. After graduation, Tammy was the only registered manual osteopath in town. People didn’t understand what it was, but they soon learned they needed it.

Fulfilling a need her community yearned for

When she became an osteopath, Tammy quit her massage job at a local clinic and opened her own practice. She rented a big space in an office building and worked there alone. 

Clients poured in. The demand for her skills quickly outgrew Tammy’s ability to serve everyone. Within months, she filled every treatment room with a variety of wellness practitioners. A year later, she now has 8 practitioners in her practice.

She plans to eventually take over the entire building. That will give her 7 additional treatment rooms. The goal is to create a place that provides a path to wellness, no matter what kind of treatment clients need. 

The way the practice is growing, it won’t take Tammy too long to achieve her goal. The community wants it. They need a place like this.

There still aren’t many osteopaths in the area. This is a problem Tammy’s helping solve. She now teaches osteopathy at the local school. When she meets students with real promise, she mentors them in her own clinic. In this way, she’s able to serve the needs of her community on multiple levels.
Root of Wellness Treatment Room

The software that connects everybody and everything

When she first opened her practice, Tammy decided to use ClinicSense to manage all her charting, scheduling, and administrative tasks. She was a one-man show. She knew she couldn’t juggle all that paperwork and her clients. Now that she has multiple practitioners in her practice, the software is even more essential.

The clinic she was previously employed at didn’t have online scheduling and that frustrated their clients. She didn’t want that issue in her own practice. Using ClinicSense for online scheduling makes everyone’s life easier.

"My clients LOVE the fact they book online!"

In interdisciplinary practices, multiple practitioners see the same client. Tammy needs a system where everyone can see what’s going on with each client. 

ClinicSense makes charting simple. The best part is everyone can see SOAP notes from other practitioners. There is no gray area. Clients get the best treatment when all their practitioners know what’s being done.

The receptionist can make client notes too. This is important in connecting clients to the appropriate practitioners. Everything is documented and organized in one place.

"Really appreciate the integration with Square."

ClinicSense even manages the checkout process. The software navigates the entire client journey seamlessly. Tammy’s grateful to her friend who recommended this software to her. She has no regrets.
massage booking cover

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