Physical Therapy Business Tips

Physical Therapy Social Media Tips To Grow Your Practice

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October 21, 2024

Physical Therapy Social Media Tips To Grow Your Practice

Searching the cloud for the best physical therapy social media ideas to grow your practice can be overwhelming for just about any clinician. With so many social media platforms to choose from and so many different directions you can take your content, it’s hard to cut through the noise and know what’s actually going to be worth your time.

In fact, most practice owners and clinicians alike are so busy with their day-to-day schedule that they won’t ever try growing their business with the help of social media. So, what should you do?

Don’t worry, because right now we’re going to share 7 of the easiest ways to use social media in your physical therapy practice to increase your visibility, get more clients, and build your brand.

How To Market Your Physical Therapy Practice On Social Media

It’s no secret that doing social media well can be transformational for your practice. Some of the easiest places to start include hosting live events, starting a YouTube channel, sharing helpful and accessible exercise content, featuring patient testimonials, promoting events, and highlighting blog posts from your team.

If you’ve never done any of these physical therapy marketing strategies before, it can still be overwhelming at first. Let’s slow down and take a look at each of these physical therapy social media ideas individually to help you feel ready to use them in your practice.

Host Live Events

The term “live” in the cloud can be misleading for physical therapists who are used to doing most of their work in person. Live events on social media are still virtual, but you’ll be going live to get in touch with your audience and share content in real time.

Going live on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn is a great way to show off your expertise, share ideas, and highlight the work that your physical therapy clinic does best. Going live can be intimidating at first, but after a few tries it should feel like second nature and might even become one of your favorite physical therapy social media ideas to stick with.

You can also create excitement around your live events with your audience by sending out emails to your client base and putting up flyers in your clinic. Leading up to your live event,  you can create posts or stories on your social media channels to notify and remind your audience, give sneak peeks of what the topics covered will be, and even ask your audience for questions to use in your live event.

Physical Therapy Social Media Tips To Grow Your Practice

Start A YouTube Channel

Without a doubt, YouTube remains one of the most common ways for patients to learn about their condition and discover what treatments are available for them. Because of this, creating a YouTube channel of your own and regularly posting helpful videos is one of the best physical therapy social media ideas to get in front of potential clients, build your brand, and offer useful content to people in need for free.

The good part about YouTube is that your video content doesn’t have to be a top-notch production effort. In fact, most people are just looking for helpful information on their condition that’s short and to-the-point, so just get in front of the camera and share what you know! As you gain more traction on YouTube, you can commission a video editor to make your content look more professional.

To get the best results on YouTube, take a minute to think about what people are most likely to be searching for, and what information is usually hard to find on the web. Try to put yourself in the shoes of your potential patients - who might be in pain with little patience - and focus on the key topics that give your viewers the most bang for their buck.

Share Helpful PT Exercises Anyone Can Do

When most people think of physical therapy, they think of exercise. As a practice owner trying to grow with social media and get more physical therapy referrals, you can use this to your advantage by sharing easy and accessible PT exercises on your social media accounts.

By far, the most engaging way to share exercises with your target audience is with short and concise videos. For example, creating a video that focuses on treating neck pain from sitting at a desk too long with a series of simple exercises can be highly effective. If you’re on a social media platform like Instagram or TikTok that allows for easy video editing, you can quickly edit your video to cut out empty space and keep the video more focused.

Of course, you can also post your video content in a carousel (swipe) format, with each video simply showing a single exercise and any helpful tips. Photos aren’t off the table either, but most content creators find that their audiences prefer video for learning and engaging with their content. After all, you want all of your physical therapy social media ideas to be as effective as possible for your efforts!

Patient Testimonials

In a world full of false advertising and exaggerated marketing, client testimonials are among the most powerful tools for your practice to gain the trust of your audience and help them feel comfortable scheduling their first appointment with you. Posting your best patient testimonials on your social media pages in the form of posts and stories is a great way to show off your expertise and help your target audience imagine how much you can help them too.

Getting testimonials can take time, but you can speed up the process by asking all of your favorite clients to leave you a review on Google, Yelp, or your social media business pages. Once you have the reviews, all you have to do is quote the review in an eye-catching photo with your branding and post it! All things considered, testimonials can be one of the fastest physical therapy social media ideas to get you results.

Of course, it’s best to always ask your patients for their consent to share their testimonial on your social media accounts before making a post. Most of your patients will prefer to share their story with text only, but some may even allow you to share a photo or video with the review to make it even more valuable for your audience.

Looking for other ways to leverage your testimonials? ClinicSense is an all-in-one practice management software that helps business owners collect and share client testimonials more easily than ever before.

Physical Therapy Social Media Tips To Grow Your Practice

Promote Events

Hosting live events on your social media is a great way to reach your audience, but promoting in-person events through your social media channels can be just as effective for boosting your visibility and growing your physical therapy clinic.

For example, if your clinic is already hosting monthly open houses, lunch and learn events, or group activity days, simply promoting them on your social media channels with posts or stories can help you reach more people who might be interested in attending with minimal effort and virtually no cost to you.

On top of promoting your events on your social media channels, tools like ClinicSense make it easy to send newslettersto your clients and keep them up-to-date on all of your upcoming events, sales, and new service offerings.

Share Blog Posts

In addition to engaging social media video content, blog content is still an excellent physical therapy social media idea to connect with your target audience and highlight the expertise of your practice in an accessible way. Sharing and featuring new or existing blog posts from your practice’s website on your social media channels is a great way to bridge the gap between your social media presence and your official business website.

For example, if you have a passion for treating neck pain and find that most of your patients have questions about why neck pain happens in the first place, you could write a short series of blog posts on the topic, post them all to your website at once, and then post on each of your social channels every week to feature one of the articles. This allows you to stretch your content out over a longer period and gives your audience a consistent “drip” of content to look forward to!

Host A Podcast

In today’s world, all you need to start a podcast is a computer and a few good microphones. That’s good news for physical therapy clinic owners, because podcasts open up a world of opportunity for engaging your target audience and converting potential clients to paying clients.

The most popular strategy for a podcast is the guest feature format, where you invite an expert on a specific topic to your podcast to talk about their area of expertise and exchange ideas with you on a number of related topics. This helps keep things fresh for your audience, giving them something new to look forward to every time while also keeping you in the spotlight every step of the way.

The most popular podcasts fly their guests out to a special studio, but you can get similar results by hosting your guestonline through a dedicated podcast hosting service like Riverside, Descript, and Podcastle. If you’re concerned about audio quality, you can ship your guest an affordable microphone and simply ask them to send it back afterward!

Gaining traction on social media can be challenging, but managing your physical therapy practice shouldn’t be. With the right physical therapy software in your hands, you can provide excellent care to your patients and improve your bottom line at the same time.

ClinicSense is an intuitive all-in-one practice management software that’s empowering physical therapy practice owners to do their best work with clients, earn more, and grow their practices. You can get a free trial of ClinicSense right now to start enhancing your business, simplifying your day-to-day work, and maybe even have the time to try some of our physical therapy social media ideas!

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