Availablity Schedule
communication features

Availability summary

Help clients find last-minute appointments and fill gaps in your schedule.

The availability summary is designed to cater to your clients' needs.

Sometimes, when clients try to schedule appointments, they might discover that your schedule is fully booked, making it difficult to find a suitable time. Additionally, some clients have jobs that make it challenging to plan appointments far in advance. The availability summary helps them get a high level view of your availability, making it easier to book.

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Circle Decoration
Availability calendar

Send weekly or monthly

You can choose to send the availability summary weekly, biweekly, or monthly. ClinicSense will scan your calendar for availability over the next 2 weeks and send an email to your clients with a summary of your availability and a prompt for them to book online.

Loved by clients

This feature allows you to go above and beyond your clients’ expectations. It’s our most popular communication tools because it’s the one that clients most commonly praise. And since it helps you fill gaps in your schedule, you’ll love it too!

Availablity Calendar
wellness practitioner smiling with team

ClinicSense handles opt-outs

For any clients not interested in receiving the availability summary, they’ll have the option to opt-out, something that ClinicSense handles for you. When a client clicks the unsubscribe button, they’ll go to a webpage where they’ll see each of the types of emails you can send using ClinicSense and they can choose which ones they’d like to receive.

Decorative Circle
Clinicsense User Testimonial
Overall rating 5/5
After a couple of slow weeks, I decided to turn on the Availability Campaign.

Within a few hours I had 25 appointments booked and my schedule was full for the next 2 weeks! I used to rely on social media but I feel that it's so noisy these days, the targeted email really helped. My clients even told me they were happy to receive the reminder to book!

Patrick Stiles

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