Energy Medicine & Yoga: Lindsay's Haven For Self-Discovery

Lindsay Maurice

Lindsay’s goal is to light up her clients’ inner light.

A Journey Of Self-Discovery

If you had told Lindsay when she was in university for business finance that, a few years later, she’d be an energy medicine practitioner and yoga instructor, she wouldn’t believe you. That’s not at all the future she imagined for herself.

Lindsay had never heard of energy medicine when she first moved to her new town. She was stressed out, unsettled, and missing the company of her friends and family. Her neighbor, an energy medicine practitioner, offered to try to help Lindsay overcome her state of overwhelm through energy work.

She accepted her neighbor’s offer. What did she have to lose? Turns out, this single act of kindness would change the trajectory of Lindsay’s life.

“After I had a session with her, I felt like a 50lb vest of weighted emotions had been lifted off my chest. I was like, ‘How’d you do that?!?”

Lindsay was so much happier and lighter after that first session. She was also inspired to grow as a person and potentially change careers. She’d practiced yoga for years and could see herself teaching one day. But first, she decided to embrace the calling to practice energy medicine. When she learned energy medicine could also help animals heal, Lindsay knew she was on the right path.

The Doors That Opened

The process of learning energy medicine is a profound experience submersed in self-discovery. It’s amazing how the world can open up for you, once you open yourself up to it. It was an impactful experience for Lindsay, that led to her making a real impact on other people’s lives - and some animal lives too.

Shortly after starting her practice, Lindsay was invited to work out of a yoga studio, as well as manage the place. Upon accepting that offer, she decided to go forward with yoga teacher training. It was something she’d wanted to do for years, and now the opportunity had presented itself.

The studio was a perfect fit for her practice and her personal growth. After working there for several years, she had the opportunity to take over the business.

Lindsay is now the co-owner of Soul Set Wellness. It’s a multi-disciplinary practice and yoga studio. The space houses a hot yoga room and a traditional yoga room. A variety of practitioners work out of the 2 treatment offices, including: an ayurvedic practitioner, reiki practitioner, osteopath, and an integrative medicine doctor - and of course, Lindsay still practices energy medicine.

Bringing all these practices together, in one place, has been an amazing experience, both for the practitioners and their clients. Clients can indulge in a variety of services. If something doesn’t resonate with someone, there’s something else that does. It’s a place where people can connect more with their purpose and the light that shines within them.

The wellness center has become a place of renewal and connection for many. Their service and offerings continue to expand. Lindsay recently started organizing wellness retreats, in idyllic locations, for those who want to feel more alive and in tune with who they are - sharing her passion with the world, around the world.

Lindsay's Lobby

The Software That Helps Make The Magic Happen

There’s nothing zen about staying up all night working on admin and scheduling. When Lindsay took over the business, she didn’t want those chores to drain her energy. She prefers to save that for herself and her clients.

She knew software was the solution to saving time and energy, as well as staying on budget. There were a few different platforms she looked at and one very clear winner. ClinicSense was by far the most user-friendly and cost-effective option on the market.

Since she was just starting out, Lindsay didn’t want to overspend - But there was a lot of work to do: scheduling appointments, sending reminders, managing the books and finances, updating client files, as well as marketing their services.

“ClinicSense is like having 3 staff in a system.”

ClinicSense automates the majority of her admin. It’s easy for clients to book appointments online. Reminders are sent automatically, ensuring everyone shows up for their appointments. Files are organized and records are kept up-to-date, without any effort on her part.

Plus, transitioning to online payments vs in-person payments has changed the whole vibe of the in-house experience. No digging through purses for credit cards at the end of a session. Instead, clients can just float out the door.

ClinicSense handles most of the business side of her workload, leaving Lindsay free to spend her energy on what fuels the glow of her inner light.

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