Career Longevity: Tammy’s plan for a long-lasting massage therapy career

Tammy Sherwood

Tammy Sherwood

Tammy plans to leave a legacy for her community and her kids.

The desire to be financially sound and make a positive contribution to her community has always been Tammy's goal. Before starting her career as a massage therapist, she worked in early childhood education with special needs kids. The work she did was meaningful and fulfilling, but it was difficult to maintain long-term. The mental stress was a lot to take on, and it would take its toll on her over time.

When she decided to make a career change for her own well-being, Tammy knew that she wanted to continue to take care of others in some way. She was a natural caregiver, so pursuing a career as a massage therapist was the perfect fit. Massage therapy allows her to care for others in a meaningful way AND take care of herself.

Initially, Tammy joined another more established massage therapist in her clinic. She was successful there, but Tammy was always looking forward to “what’s next”. She was raising a family and constantly asking herself how she could provide more for her kids and her own future. So opening her own clinic one day was always part of her plan.

She didn’t want to just work as a massage therapist. Instead, Tammy wanted to build something that would benefit her community and leave a legacy for her kids.

Creating security and extending the lifetime of her career

Working 8-10 hour days in someone else’s clinic wasn’t going to provide Tammy long-term financial security. That’s what she needed to do initially to build up her clientele, but she knew her hands would wear out one day. Plus, she had kids at home who needed more parenting and a spouse who could use a break.

After 10 years of working in someone else’s clinic, Tammy decided to take her clientele and open her own clinic. She had enough clients to manage the space on her own for a little while but soon started putting together a team of therapists to work with her.

Now that she has other therapists working in her clinic, Tammy can cut back the hours she spends doing hands-on work. Working shorter days means less wear and tear on her body. In addition, this strategy helps ensure she can continue providing massage for many years to come.

Over the past few years, she’s added practitioners to her team with a variety of different specialities. With a multidisciplinary team, Tammy’s business helps far more people in the community than she could do independently. She’s even opened her doors to the public and hosted wellness workshops in her clinic.

Tammy’s team makes her business both fulfilling and financially secure, and it’s still growing. But, more importantly, now that she can afford to spend less time doing hands-on work, she has more time to commit to her family.

That software that makes it all work like clockwork

When Tammy decided to start her own business, the very first thing she did was find clinic management software. She had spent the last 10 years doing everything with pen and paper. So she was tired of pencilling everyone in and printing old school reports with an outdated system.

Before she opened her doors to her first client, Tammy subscribed to ClinicSense. She knew, first-hand, how much time and energy it takes to run a massage business. And now that she was on her own, she was going to simplify and streamline as much of that as possible.

"ClinicSense is such a great tool. Everything is connected. It’s a no-brainer for me."

Tammy Sherwood Treatment Room

With working with a team, it’s important for Tammy to have systems in place. Using software for online scheduling and SOAP Notes means everything is done the same way each time - regardless of who’s doing it.

ClinicSense has all the features a massage therapist could need. The software has evolved and changed alongside Tammy’s business through the years. She’s been delighted to learn new things and access new tools that she didn’t even know she needed.

"The team at ClinicSense has been super open to changes, adapting and is always evolving. That’s been key in our continuing to use it."
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