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Devin's Mobile Massage: A Success During Uncertain Times

Devin Image
Devin Ashley Brown
Covid proved to be an unlikely business blessing

Devin Went Solo Shortly After the World Shut Down

After graduating from massage school, Devin started her own practice. She worked out of a health club and slowly built a clientele of weekend warriors. In the beginning, that wasn’t enough to pay the bills. So, she also worked at a massage chain. She earned the experience and regular income she needed there.

Devin is an athlete. A lifetime of playing sports made her a very knowledgeable and intuitive massage therapist. She understands pain, is well-versed in injuries, and has the ability to empathize with almost anyone.

The small amount the franchise paid her wasn’t equal to her skillset. She gave so much of herself to clients, and she got results. Devin had a 96% rebooking rate. She was excellent, and she knew it.

Devin decided to put all her energy into building her own business. Then, she could charge what she deserved and manage her work life as she saw fit. She’d been building her practice at the health club part-time for a few years. Finally, she was ready to go full-time.Then, Covid happened. The massage chain closed temporarily. The health club closed and never reopened. Devin needed a plan.

After a few weeks of shutdowns, alternative healthcare providers resumed business with precautions in place. Most of Devin’s clients suffered from chronic pain. They needed her. So, she started seeing them in their homes. This was the perfect solution for everyone.

She Built a Successful Mobile Practice and Became an Educator

Devin’s business took off from there. The difficult circumstances caused by the pandemic created an opportunity to build a mobile massage practice.

Her clients were working from home, without the ergonomic furniture from their workplaces. They were stressed out by the state of the world and a new way of life. All of this triggered their pain. They needed Devin more than ever, and she delivered. Her practice grew quickly as her clients started referring their friends.

The quick success was miraculous, but Devin wasn’t taking any chances. Instead, she prefers to have a safety net. The pandemic taught us that life could change completely without warning.Having multiple streams of income has always been Devin’s financial safeguard. When an opportunity presented itself to teach at Aveda Arts & Sciences, Devin took it. Teaching provides additional income and a way to extend her career. Her hands won’t be able to provide manual therapy forever. Sharing her knowledge has no expiration date.

During the early months of the pandemic, people were stuck at home. Having a massage therapist visit them there was both convenient and relatively safe. They got the care they needed without going out into the world.

“Teaching is my gift to society.”

Teaching allows Devin to influence the massage industry in ways she couldn’t otherwise. In addition, being an educator allows her to help shape future massage therapists and the path the industry is taking.
Devin in her car

ClinicSense Does All the Tasks Devin Doesn’t Want to Do

When Devin first started her practice, she did all her admin tasks with pen and paper - scheduling, SOAP notes, and accounting. She wrote it all down. She wanted to make sure her business was sustainable before she invested in software. 

Once Covid hit, it became apparent that her business was sustainable, and she needed a better system. As a member of the AMTA, she got a discount for two different booking systems. She checked them both out. ClinicSense was more modern and in line with what she wanted.

“ClinicSense was super easy to learn and adapt to get things up and going.”

As a massage therapist, Devin doesn’t think like an accountant. She can do the math, but she loathes the process of creating reports. With ClinicSense, all she has to do is hit print because sales reports are generated automatically.

ClinicSense has been a great resource for staying in touch with clients. Even though she's booked out for a couple of months, she still checks in with clients she hasn’t seen recently. Winback campaigns are a great tool for this.

It’s also a good idea to remind clients she’s going to be on their doorstep tomorrow. The reality is, if left to her own devices, she wouldn’t send email reminders. Fortunately, ClinicSense does that for her, so there are no surprises.
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