Practice Management Tips

3 Tips To Master Curb Appeal For Your Clinic

updated on

March 26, 2023

Most people are familiar with curb appeal from watching their favorite home improvement channel. In that context, curb appeal is how good the house looks when viewed from the street, and is a contributing factor when selling a home. For example, people will put a fresh coat of paint on the house, fix up the front door, or clean up the landscaping to make the home more attractive to potential buyers.


Curb appeal also applies to business. The attractiveness of your business from the street projects an image to potential customers, and they may decide whether they will walk-in or not based on that alone. With the following tips, you can make sure that you have great curb appeal that will draw the attention of foot and car traffic that passes by every day.


1. Keep It Clean

Cleanliness is king when it comes to curb appeal and is your first impression for passers-by. It’s hard to trust that a person keeps the inside of their business clean if the outside is a mess. Make sure that the outside of your business is free of clutter, the windows are cleaned regularly, all light bulbs are working, weeds are picked from the garden, and the building façade is clean and given a fresh coat of paint when necessary.

This is something you should check daily. It doesn’t take much time – just plan to arrive 10 minutes early each day for some minor cleanup before your day begins.


2. Check your parking

Just as you want to make sure that the front of your business is clean, you want to make sure your parking area is clean and safe. This often will mean contacting a landlord, and you’ll want to make sure your parking area is well lit, potholes are filled, and lines are repainted after they have faded.


3. Draw Attention With Attractive Signage

Signage for your business is a great investment. There are people driving or walking by your business every day. All of these people are potential clients, so you want to attract their attention with great signage. Consider the following when making your sign:

  • Keep it easy to read – don’t cram too much information on your sign. In most cases, your logo and business name is sufficient. You may also want to include a call to action like “Book online at” or “Walk-ins Welcome”.


  • Keep it in plain view – your sign should be very simple to spot from the street. Choose a color that will stand out so that people will notice it even when they are not looking for it. It’s also a bonus to have a sign that lights up at night.


  • Add variety – A large sign is great for getting attention from the street, but if you are located in an area with lots of foot traffic, you will also want to add a sandwich board to the sidewalk. Again, keep it easy to read and eye catching. You really only have a second to grab their attention.


  • Provide incentive – If you have an offer for first time customers, make that offer visible. It can be included on your sandwich board, or can be included in a window display.


  • Experiment – If you are using a sandwich board or window display, change up what it says every couple of weeks. Find what message works best for the people in your area.


  • You get what you pay for – Talk to a professional signage company and get a quality product. A cheap sign can succumb to rain/snow/wind fairly quickly and would be a poor reflection of your clinic.


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