Practice Management Tips

Become Your Neighborhood's Expert

updated on

March 26, 2023

Much of the focus in marketing today is on establishing your brand. It's all about creating an identity that sets you apart from the competition. A strong brand for your business lets potential clients know what they can expect from you, encouraging them to seek out your services.


Part of your brand should be advanced expertise in your field, which creates a sense of authority and reliability. There are a number of effective channels you can use to boost your visibility and position yourself as the local expert.


Start a YouTube channel
Did you know that YouTube is the Internet's second-largest search engine? It's the third most-visited site on the Web, processing more than 3 billion searches per month. It's not difficult to produce and post videos featuring demonstrations and helpful tips. And each video only needs to be around 2 minutes long, so in less than 30 minutes you can plan, shoot, and upload a video. As you create more content, and share them across social media, you will get more views and build a reputation as an expert.


Be Social
The explosion of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites provides a golden opportunity to get your name and message out to potential clients. You don't even have to produce all the content yourself. Share links to newsworthy and thought-provoking sites and encourage interactivity by posting questions for discussion. Potential clients will see that you are engage with your career, and that is very attractive when looking for a new healthcare provider.


Market yourself as a professional speaker
There are always schools and organizations on the lookout for interesting speakers. Write up intriguing descriptions of several potential topics and target some of the more popular community groups. You can start small at local schools or industry associations, and as you build a name for yourself, you can work your way up to state/province wide events, or even national conferences. The important part is choosing your area of expertise, earning credentials to help validate your expertise, and sticking to it.


Host a blog
Maintaining a blog with a consistent schedule of new content demonstrates that you stay current with significant news and trends and have a genuine desire to educate your audience. It also offers you a great opportunity for cross-promotion by appearing as a guest blogger on other sites. Guest blogging is great because it promotes your name to a whole new audience. As you start to establish yourself as an expert, more opportunities will present themselves.


Become a radio personality
The airwaves are no longer restricted to a handful of traditional radio stations. The Internet hosts thousands of radio shows, many of them devoted to specific niche interests. Find ones that appeal to your target audience, or dive in and start your own. You might also consider podcasting as a resource.


Establishing yourself as an expert in your field is a creative way to get your name and brand in front of thousands of people at little to no cost. It's a long-term process, but over time you'll reap the benefits with increased bookings, consistent referral business, and brand recognition.


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