
Find Out What Your Clients Think About Your Massage Business

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March 26, 2023

In 2017, marketing firm BrightLocal conducted a Local Consumer Review Survey to discover how consumers use and respond to online reviews. According to the results, 93% of consumers read local reviews to assess the quality of a business, and consumers pay attention to what those reviews say. Over two-thirds of consumers are more likely to use a business that has received positive online reviews.


Customer feedback doesn’t just guide consumers’ decisions though. As the article Why you need customer feedback to boost your business notes, business owners also use customer feedback and sentiment analysis to help them uncover service problems, increase sales, and improve customer retention rates.


But not every customer who reviews your massage clinic uses the review services provided by Google, Facebook, and other providers. To find out what your customers really think about your massage therapy practice, you may need to look elsewhere.


Four Ways to Find Out What Your Customers Think

Engage in active social listening. To stay on top of what your customers are saying about you, monitor your mentions on social media. If they are happy after visiting your practice, they may tell a friend. And, if they are unhappy, they are even more likely to share their displeasure in a Twitter or Facebook post. There are several different tools that you can use to help you keep track of mentions of your business. Or, you can conduct your own searches for your business name on the various social media channels.


Check your messages. Today’s consumers have a variety of ways to get in touch. One customer might prefer email while another chooses direct messaging. Once you’ve created a contact page on your website, make sure that you monitor it regularly. Be sure to check in on your social media accounts often as well. Whenever and wherever your customers are reaching out to you, be prepared to listen and respond.


Ask their opinion. Surveys and polls are a great way to find out what your most engaged customers think. You can create a poll on social media or send a survey via email. Ask your clients about the good and the bad and leave them room to add their own comments too. Or, uncover your Net Promoter Score (NPS) by asking your customers how likely they are to recommend your massage therapy clinic to a friend.


Monitor your metrics. Assessing the health of your business’ key performance indicators (KPIs) can give you insights into how your customers are acting on their feelings about your business. Are most of your customers return visitors? What percentage of your first time visitors book a second appointment? Do your customers love your service enough to give it as a gift?


The Secret to Your Success
The success of every service-based business is satisfied customers. In his book, How to Speak How to Listen, Mortimer J. Adler writes that “the most prevalent mistake that people make about both listening and reading is to regard them as passively receiving rather than as actively participating.” He notes that reading or listening without actually applying what they have read or heard.


Once you read and ‘hear’ what your customers are saying online, take action. Responding to your customers’ reviews, both good and bad, is the secret to gaining more satisfied customers and growing your business.

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