January 20, 2025
Over the past 2.5 months, we've been thinking of how clinic management software can play a role in helping massage businesses when they re-open. ClinicSense already included features that would help with reducing the touching of shared surfaces: taking pre-payment online and online intake forms, and last week we announced our new client prescreening feature.
Today, we're announcing a new feature that's designed to help you fill your calendar with appointments once you are open...
We've noticed a strategy used by many massage therapists to help fill their calendars for the week. They send out an email at the beginning of the week to let their clients know what time slots are available for the week ahead.
What they have found is that simply by sending out an email with availability they are seeing an increase in the number of appointments booked. I think it works because getting a massage isn't always top-of-mind for people, so by sending an email, you make yourself top-of-mind.
It's in our nature to automate administrative tasks... We love any idea that leads to more appointments, but it's in our nature to figure out how to spend less time doing things manually... which is why we have created a new feature called Availability Campaigns.
ClinicSense will scan your calendar for availability and automatically send out an email to your clients, summarizing your availability for the next two weeks. Clients can then click through to book online and start filling your calendar.
Go to Promote > Availability Campaigns. Choose if you'd like for us to send out your availability every week or every second week, compose a message to be sent along with your availability, and save. That's it, it's a totally set and forget feature.
If clients prefer not to receive your availability, they will have the option to unsubscribe. If they unsubscribe, they are only unsubscribing from availability campaigns, they will still get your other emails. You also have control over what emails each client receives directly on their client file under "Communication".
For 14 days