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4 Steps That Will Keep Your Clients Coming Back Regularly

Attracting & Retaining Clients

4 Steps That Will Keep Your Clients Coming Back Regularly

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September 2, 2024

4 Steps That Will Keep Your Clients Coming Back Regularly

Are you losing potential revenue due to unused available treatment hours at your massage clinic? Asking your clients to rebook before they go is an effective strategy to stop this loss.

When you rebook someone, you are capturing them in a moment when they are most likely to say yes. After all, they have just enjoyed a positive treatment experience and are feeling great. Plus, your clients are more likely to continue their treatment plan if you make sure their next session is on their calendar before they have a chance to forget. 

In this article, we’ll unpack four steps that you can use to get your clients to rebook and increase your clinic’s fill rates. But the process of getting more rebookings isn’t just about filling your schedule and increasing your revenue, it is about building mutually beneficial, long-term relationships with your clients.

Everybody wins--When you implement the following steps, you educate and partner with your clients to help them develop the wellness routine that’s best for them.

Watch this video for 4 steps that you can use to get your clients to rebook and increase your clinic's fill rates:

Step 1: Communicate the value of the service you provide

Your clients are more likely to want to come back for another session if they understand why it is beneficial for them. This requires communication. So, the first step to rebooking a client following their treatment session occurs well before they reach the checkout counter. 

During each client’s treatment, educate them about the value of massage therapy. 

Talk to your clients about their specific health and wellness goals and explain how the treatments you are providing will help them achieve those goals. Answer their questions and share your expertise with them. This will not only make their treatment session more enjoyable and effective but also provide them with the reasons they need to come back.  

Step 2: Develop a clear plan for subsequent sessions

In Step 1, you shared your knowledge with your client. In Step 2, it is time for you and your client to work together to create their personalized well-being plan. As you fill in your SOAP notes for the session, share suggestions for ongoing treatment with your client, prioritizing their goals. Explain how each planned session will fit into your overall treatment strategy. 

This information should reinforce the reasons for the treatments that you introduced in Step 1 and help your client see the “big picture.” Even if your client’s priority is relaxation or de-stressing, the two of you can develop a plan to ensure that they don’t overlook self-care.

Step 3: Offer your client the opportunity to schedule several appointments at once and save money

This step is your secret to success. By now, your client already knows that coming back for another session will be good for their health and well-being. They’ve also experienced how great they feel after a good massage. Those are two good reasons to say yes to rebooking. 

Now give them a third reason--saving money. 

Offer your clients the opportunity to purchase a treatment package that includes several sessions at a discounted rate. Who wouldn’t be pleased to get a discount on something they already know they want to buy? 

Step 4: Don’t forget to ask your client to rebook before they leave! 

One of the most common reasons people miss opportunities is that they fail to ask for what they want. Even if you think that you’ve made it obvious throughout your client’s treatment session that you’d like to see them again, you still need to ask for the booking. 

Most clients aren’t thinking about setting their next appointment as they are leaving. However, because you’ve delivered great customer service and educated them about the benefits of treatment, they will probably say yes if you just remember to ask. 

Booking all of their treatment sessions in this one transaction will save both of you time later.

Nurturing customer loyalty is a winning strategy to grow your massage businesses

Gaining more rebookings is an effective way to fill your schedule month after month and build a loyal client base. Would you like to learn more strategies to earn repeat business from your clients? Download our ebook, the Loyal Customer Generator, below. It’s totally free and full of advice that you can use to begin building a loyal client base today.

Metrics that matter

Use the following metrics to keep track of how your rebooking efforts improve your performance: 

  1. Available treatment hours = Number of treatment rooms x number of (staffed) hours of operation 
  2. RevPATH (Revenue per available treatment hour) = Total revenue x Total treatment hours available
  3. Rebooking rate = Number of clients who rebook (per week or month) x Total number of clients treated (per week or month)
  4. ARPC (Average revenue per client) = Total revenue (per a defined period) x Total number of clients treated (per same period) 
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