
Promoting Your Massage Clinic At Community Events

updated on

June 17, 2024

community event

There are so many great reasons to get involved in your local community. You get to meet new people, become friends with your neighbours, support community events, and even promote your business. While each neighbourhood may have unique opportunities to get involved, there are three ways that I’d like to share that almost everyone can take advantage of.


Especially throughout the warmer months of the year, communities often host street festivals where they invite everyone in the neighbourhood to come out for a good time. These events usually feature local restaurants, performers, artists, and retail stores. After a couple hours on their feet, many people would love a 10-minute break, and this is where an opportunity presents itself.


These street festivals are a perfect way for you to get your name out there. You can often pay a nominal fee to set up an area for chair massage. With a simple banner advertising your business name and your great offer of $10 for a 10-minute chair massage, you can get a lot of attention. Not only will you make a bit of money from your treatments throughout the day, but your business name will be exposed to hundreds of people that may not normally pass by your clinic.


And here’s how you can really leverage the attention you’ll receive at the event: for each new client that you treat at the festival, let them know that their massage was essentially free, because you are going to give them a $10 gift card to use towards a 60-minute session if they book an appointment with you within the next two weeks. The offer is a great way to turn an impulse purchase of a 10-minute massage into a potential long-term client.


So take the time this winter to look into community events that are coming up in the Spring and Summer and reach out to the event organizers. You can often lock in an early bird rate when you plan in advance.

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