Attracting & Retaining Clients

The Key To Building Customer Loyalty

updated on

July 4, 2024

The Key To Building Customer Loyalty

As more people recognize the benefits of massage therapy for the treatment of physical conditions and overall wellness, its popularity grows. But as more people give massage therapy a try, what can you do to keep them coming back to your massage therapy business instead of trying out your competitors? 

Earn your massage therapy clients’ loyalty by exceeding their expectations at every touchpoint. 

Today’s massage therapy clients are healthcare consumers. They expect to have the same high-quality, customer-centric experience when receiving a massage as they do when shopping at their favorite store or dining at their favorite restaurant. You can become a customer favorite by being better than the competition at delivering an experience that is professional, personalized, and prioritizes your clients’ needs.

Check out this video for a quick look at how to build customer loyalty:

How To Earn Massage Client Loyalty

Treating your clients with professionalism and skill is the foundation of your business success. So, to take their experience over the top, you just need to up your customer service. According to a 2020 report examining customer experience trends in healthcare, customer service ranks second only to the quality of the actual healthcare treatment among the top factors influencing patients’ healthcare experience. Customer service is also a heavily-weighed factor when consumers decide which providers will receive a 5-star review. 

What do health consumers look for when judging your customer service? Your clients want to be heard and they want you to talk to them. When it comes to delivering an extraordinary experience, your “bedside manner” matters a lot. 

When someone comes to you for massage therapy, you aren’t just treating a body, you are treating a whole--and wholly unique--person. 

The Key To Building Customer Loyalty

Personalize Each Client’s Treatment Experience

To deliver the best possible experience for every client, give yourself and your clients the gift of time. Build strong client connections by making each client’s experience personalized and unique.Take time to discuss their specific concerns, listen to them, and answer their questions during their treatment sessions.

Before you see a new client, spend a few minutes to review their intake form so you will have the information you need to demonstrate your genuine interest in their health and well-being. Leverage technology, including digitized SOAP notes, to make keeping track of each client’s specific preferences and needs easier. 

Make Paying For Your Services Fast and Frictionless

We’ve mentioned the importance of convenience when serving clients before. You should think about prioritizing your clients’ convenience at each step in their journey including their check-out. Every client has their own preferences when it comes to how they want to pay for your services.

In addition to credit cards and online payment portals, today’s consumers are embracing digital wallets and tap to pay solutions. Make check-outs easy by giving your clients several different online and offline payment options.  

To make the process of paying for services even more frictionless, allow your clients to pay for treatments in advance when they book an appointment via your website. You’ll benefit from fast payments and your clients will save time by not having to stop to pay when they’ve finished their session. Additionally, your client is likely on cloud 9 after their treatment, with a prepayment they can leave without the pain of making a payment, increasing their likelihood of booking again.

The Key To Building Customer Loyalty

Build Client Loyalty With Unmatchable Customer Service

Your massage therapy clients made a choice to visit you. Show them your appreciation and keep them coming back by delivering personalized, professional care from start to finish. This includes how you interact with your clients and potential clients online. Check out this blog for 7 Online Customer Service Tips to learn the most effective customer service strategies used by leading health professionals to ensure client satisfaction and loyalty.

How ClinicSense Helps You Build Massage Client Loyalty

ClinicSense communication tools make building stronger relationships with your clients easy. Email newsletters, birthday emails, appointment reminders and so many more easy-to-use features help you stay in touch with your clients and keep you top of mind. Start your free trial today!

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