Practice Management Tips

3 Easy Ways To Increase The Value Of Your Clients

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June 3, 2024

Ways To Increase The Value Of Your Clients

As a business, we’re often focused on attracting new clients. As a result, we can overlook the clients that we already have. But even with the importance of new clients, there’s a lot of value that we can get from (and offer to) our existing client base. The main idea is to maximize the value of each client:


1. Their Network Is Your Network

Every client knows someone who could use a massage. They just don’t know it yet! I’m the perfect example. My massage-loving friend used a gift certificate to introduce me to the magical world of massage many years ago. Since then, I’ve had monthly massages… and each of your clients has a friend that is just like me.


Around Christmas, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day, everybody is scrambling for gift ideas. That’s where you swoop in to save the day by offering a gift certificate for clients to give to their friends and family. But how you implement this campaign is key to how successful it’ll be for your clinic. Psychology says that we don’t consciously notice things until the 7th time we see or hear it - this applies to most ads and commercials, and it applies to your own campaigns as well. So start early! In the weeks leading up to special holidays, have posters in your clinic: “Sharing is caring! Thank your mom with a gift certificate from yours truly.” Then, give them a more direct reminder closer to the holiday/event through an email campaign with a similar message. It’s a win-win situation! You save them from going through the crowded mall, and you get a new client along the way.


2. Throw In A Little Extra

Have you ever thought that you were perfectly happy, and then you tried something that made you realize that you could’ve been happier all along? I know I have. Enter the genius idea called samples.


People don’t know what’s good until they’ve tried it. After all, how can you know what you’re missing if you’ve never experienced the better life? That’s why samples are so important. We’ve all been there. Whether it’s a sample from Costco that we only tried for fun or a sip of your friend’s drink, once we have a taste, we want more - it’s human nature. As part of your treatment, throw in a brief sample of another service that you offer. Let them know what they’re missing! And before you know it, they may be asking you for more.


3. Sell Merchandise

Selling merchandise is a great way to show your clients that you care about their overall health - all the while making a little extra money on the side.


Remember, implementation is key. Put some thought into the items you sell in your clinic. The best thing to do is to sell products that are in line with your service. Massage therapy is good for both the mind and body, so sell items that are consistent with a healthy, relaxing, or spiritual lifestyle. Read more about product sales from our guest post: Generate Extra Income With Product Sales.

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