Practice Management Tips

How to Improve your Massage Facebook Business Page

updated on

March 25, 2024

Social media has proven to be a great outlet for connecting with clients. It allows you to stay engaged with your clients between appointments, and by staying in touch, clients remember to book more often and even refer more friends.


The first step for a successful business page on Facebook is attracting your initial followers. Generally, the first people you go to will be friends and family. They are pretty quick to show their support and depending on your network you could be at 20 to over 100 likes within your first few days. The great thing about family and friends is that they are likely to share your Facebook posts to help you get off the ground, which expands your reach and attracts new likes for your page.


After the initial family and friends likes, clinics often hit a bit of a plateau. So it’s important to also let your clients know that they can follow you on Facebook. To do this, you can include a “Find us on Facebook” note on your business cards, mention your page in your email signature and in the footer on your invoices, and simply by letting your clients know after their treatment.


Now, the big difference between a good Facebook page and a bad Facebook page is engagement. Sure, you have a few followers, but are you posting things that your clients find interesting? Are they liking and sharing your posts?


The organic way of attracting new likes to your Facebook page is by having your followers like or share your posts to their wall. Then their friends see your post, and potentially like your page as well. This network effect can have a pretty big impact on your business.


So what do your clients find interesting? Well, ask them! What they certainly don’t find interesting is 100% of posts being about you, your business, and your promotions. The generally accepted rule for social media is the 80/20 rule. That means you can post about your business 20% of the time, but the other 80% you are sharing content related to your business – but not about your business.


Posts on social media that tend to get a lot of engagement are tutorials, how-tos, DIY, infographics, unique solutions to common problems, nutritional recipes, and inspirational quotes. The format also matters – posts with videos and images get the most engagement, while text only posts generally fall short, so be sure to include at least a picture in each of your posts.


So to recap, for a successful Facebook page, you want to be sure to leverage your network of friends, family, clients, and colleagues to attract likes to your page, and then use the power of that network by posting interesting content that is likely to be shared and seen by potential new clients.

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