Attracting & Retaining Clients

23 Best Ideas For Massage Specials In 2024

updated on

July 16, 2024

Massage therapy special ideas


A good deal is hard to pass up – especially if it’s for something as drool-worthy as a massage. If you’re looking for ways to promote your services, we have A LOT of ideas for massage specials. Sometimes all you need to get more people through your door is a little incentive. Once they get a taste of what you offer, they’ll be back.

The Makings Of A Best-Selling Massage Special

There are 3 elements to creating an offer they can’t refuse: timing, offer, and price. Keep this in mind when brainstorming ideas for a massage special. Create a theme for your offer, and time it to the season or an event. Price it at a persuasive, yet profitable rate.

There are certain times of the year and certain times in life when customers are more likely to buy. When coming up with ideas for massage specials, take into account what’s going on in the world and in the lives of your clients.

Next, consider what your customers really want or need. Entice them with something they crave like stress relief, me-time, or relief from their aching back. This will make your special offer hard to pass up.

Finally, set a price that makes them feel like they’re missing out if they don’t buy now. Don’t sell yourself short, but do offer a discount. Make sure customers know what the price normally is, so they can see the value of your offer.
Example:  90 Minute Massage - The Ultimate Stress Reliever NOW ONLY $99! (Normally $129) Hurry Sales ends March 10!

What Are 23 Massage Specials For 2024?

  1. Massage Gift Certificate Special
  2. New Massage Client Special
  3. The “Self-Care” Massage Special
  4. Mother’s Day Massage Special
  5. Father’s Day Massage Special
  6. Birthday Massage Special
  7. Spa Day Special
  8. Valentine’s Day Massage Special
  9. New Massage Service Special
  10. New Massage Therapist Special
  11. New Location Massage Special
  12. Refer A Friend Massage Special
  13. Massage Therapy Awareness Week Special
  14. Teacher Appreciation Massage Special
  15. Healthcare Worker Appreciation Massage Special
  16. BOGO Massage Special
  17. Black Friday Massage Special
  18. Holiday Massage Special
  19. New  Years Resolution Massage Special
  20. Participation Massage Special
  21. Welcome Back Massage Specials
  22. One Day Only Massage Deal
  23. Wellness & Massage Packages

Let’s take a look at how to create these massage specials in your own business.

Massage Gift Certificate Special

Throughout the year there are many reasons to buy people presents. What better gift is there than a massage? For this reason, it’s a good idea to promote massage gift certificates throughout the year. You can create a special price for a special occasion. Alternatively,  you can entice people to buy more by offering a special deal if they spend X amount.

New Massage Client Special

An easy way to entice new clients to book an appointment is by offering a special introductory price. People who haven’t met you yet may be on the fence about whether you're worth spending money on. Remove that barrier by offering clients a discount on their first visit.

The “Self-Care” Massage Special

It doesn’t need to be a holiday to have a sale. Remind your clients that they are important every day by creating a special offer focused on self-care. This is a great way to both educate clients on the benefits of massage and motivate them to take better care of themselves.

Mother’s Day Massage Special

Being a Mom is a hard job. She takes care of everybody, and as a massage therapist, you can take care of her. Mother’s Day is a great time to create a special massage offer. This works well as a gift certificate promotion. When everyone is scrambling to come up with the perfect gift, sending your clients a link to your online gift certificates is a life-saver.

Father’s Day Massage Special

Dad needs a break too. He works hard, has that bad knee and wouldn’t buy himself a massage. That’s what makes it such a great gift. You can offer the same deal you did for Mother’s Day or create a new offer. Again, this works well as a gift certificate special, but you could also offer a special price (with a promo code) for clients who book Dad’s appointment online by a certain date.

Birthday Massage Special

Birthdays are for celebrating. An easy way for you to honor and celebrate your clients is by giving them a special deal on their birthday. It’s easy to automate birthday card campaigns that send via email on their birthday  when you use ClinicSense. Create a special offer as a birthday gift to clients. A coupon for a discounted service the month of their birthday is a good way to go.

Valentine’s Day Massage Special

The first major gift-giving holiday of the year is Valentine’s Day. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to promote massage as the gift that says “I love you.” Coming up with massage promotion ideas for this sweet holiday isn’t too hard. Create a special on a couple's massage, gift certificates or a special service. 

Spa Day Special

Who doesn’t need a spa day? Come up with some massage package ideas by bundling services. Then create a set price for the whole shebang. This sort of special works well on holidays like Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day, but it’s also a good option any time of year. Everybody needs a little R&R now and then.

New Massage Service Special

Did you recently add a new service to your repertoire? Promote your services by creating a special price for the first few weeks. This will give people a chance to try it out and give you reviews. Those reviews will help you promote it at the regular price later.

New Massage Therapist Special

Need to fill the schedule of a new therapist? Offer a special rate to give people incentive to try someone new. 

New Location Massage Special

Are you new in town? Create a grand opening special to bring more people in the door.

Refer A Friend Massage Special

Reward your cheerleaders. Word of mouth is the most effective form of marketing in any industry, especially massage. Get more people to refer their friends and family, by offering a reward for doing so. You could even offer a special price to those who have been referred. Want to make this process easy and automatic? Use ClinicSense referral request program to send referral requests automatically. 

Massage Therapy Awareness Week Special

Every year, in October, there’s a week dedicated to making people aware of the benefits of massage. This is a great time to offer a special deal on your services. Check with your favorite massage therapy organization for more info. 

Teacher Appreciation Massage Special

Want to give your kids' teacher a gift of thanks for being such a positive influence in their life. Create a gift card special around teaching appreciation.

Healthcare Worker Appreciation Special

Want to say thanks to healthcare workers for all their efforts. Offer a special discount for healthcare workers.

BOGO Massage Special

A good way to sell more services or gift certificates is to create a deal that gets people to buy more than one. Buy One Get One is a great way to do this. Buy one at full price and get one at a discount.

Black Friday Massage Special

The biggest shopping day of the year is one you should be participating in as a business owner. Creating a Black Friday Special is a no-brainer when it comes to increasing revenue at the end of the year. Don’t miss out on all those holiday shoppers.

Holiday Massage Special

Once Black Friday and Cyber Monday pass, there are still a lot of last-minute shoppers. Create a new deal for the rest of the holiday season. Online gift certificates are a great way to go.

New Years' Resolution Massage Special

Every year millions of people create a new year's resolution to take better care of themselves. Your massage business should be a part of that. Massage advertising ideas for the new year should be geared towards health. Create a special for people trying to incorporate more massage into their lives.

Participation Massage Special

If there’s a special event or charity you’re passionate about, reward participants or contributors with a special discount on your services.

Welcome Back Massage Specials

Do you have clients that used to book appointments with you regularly, but you haven’t seen them in a while? Wondering how to get new clients to book again? Offer them a “welcome back” special. Entice them to schedule an appointment with you by sending a win-back campaign with a special offer.

One Day Only Massage Deal

Want to sell a lot of massages in a very short period of time? Create a one day only massage deal. Use the flash sale method of setting the price so low that people can’t say no, and set a timer. This will limit the amount of discounted services you offer, but get maximum purchases.

Wellness & Massage Packages

Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to take better care of themselves? You know how important regular massage and wellness services are. Create a special package offer that makes regular visits more affordable. Sell packages of 5 or 10 messages at a discounted rate to get clients to commit to regular visits. Keep in mind, this is not an exhaustive list. Be creative and use these ideas for massage specials to create your own special promotions.

How Can I Sell More Massage Therapy Specials At My Business?

The easiest way to sell more massage therapy specials is to use massage marketing software. With software, you can implement so many more massage marketing strategies than you ever could on your own. The best part about using marketing software is you can automate most of it. 

Here are a few ideas for how to get more patients in your clinic by creating massage specials:

What Tools Can I Use To Increase My Massage Business Sales

ClinicSense has all the tools massage therapists need to manage and market their businesses. Streamlining your sales process with easy to use software can increase sales and decrease effort. Plus, you’ll save energy on admin tasks and advertising. That means better care for your clients and more time for self-care.

ClinicSense has tons of features to help grow your massage business:

  • Online scheduling increases sales without discounting your services. More people book online appointments because it’s easy. No more missed calls (aka missed sales).
  • Email marketing keeps you connected to your clients, and makes it easy to advertise your latest sales, services, and therapists.
  • Kodee Marketing Assistant is your best “employee.” It automates everything you want to do but don’t have time to keep track of, like birthdays campaigns, win-back campaigns, and availability campaigns.
  • Appointment reminders and the No-Show Guard make clients show up for your appointments and you get paid for your time if they don’t.

ClinicSense does more than just marketing. It takes care of your admin, eliminates the need of a receptions, integrates with scales, and runs sales reports automatically. Using software to manage your practice helps grow your business by freeing your time to treat clients. Promoting massage specials is just one tiny thing it can do for you.

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